At this time we do not have memberships available for the following breeds: American Bulldog, American Staffordshire, American Pit Bull, Belgian Malinois, German Shepherd, Staffordshire Pit Bull. Assessments will not be scheduled for dogs that fall in this breed category. We only fill a specific number of dogs per breed category and at this time we are full for these breeds. This allows our daycare to be a variety of different breeds with different play styles so that all dogs are able to play.
Daycare Requirements
You must have a membership level of Restricted, Limited, or Full in order to attend daycare Monday through Friday. If you have a Restricted membership, you must contact us to schedule daycare. If you have a Limited membership, your dog may attend on your specified days without a reservation. Full membership families may attend daycare without a reservation. If you are not a member, then you must schedule an assessment day before your dog may attend daycare. Please review our Membership tab to begin the approval process.
Our hours for Drop Off on Monday through Friday are 6:30 AM to 9:30 AM. You do not need a reservation for daycare if you are a Full Member. Dogs with a Membership of Restricted are required to have a reservation. Our doors will open for Pick ups on Monday through Friday from 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM.
Our regular rate for Monday through Friday is $36 per dog per day. We do have Pre-Paid Passes, which provide discounts for single and multi-dog households.
All dogs must arrive on leash. At various times, dogs in training will be on the premises and may not be ready to interact with other dogs. Do not let dogs wander around property without a leash.
Daycare FAQs
How does my dog become a Pack Member?
All dogs must attend an assessment day of daycare before becoming a Pack Member. The assessment day is scheduled as we only permit one new family per day. We are generally booked a week in advance for assessment days so it is important that you contact in advance of Boarding needs. All dogs must meet Pack Membership requirements.
Where are the dogs during daycare?
Dogs play in the area called The Backyard, which is an indoor play area. There is a Sunroom in the play areas, which mimic the home environment where dogs are not permitted to play and/or have potty accidents. Naps are organized in the Sunroom. Kuranda beds are available for dogs to sleep on during nap time. Staff members provide constant supervision by staying with dogs in the apartment area and providing additional walks as needed to maintain house-training.
Where do the dogs go potty?
Dogs in Daycare ill receive a potty walk outside. Dogs in daycare area are permitted to potty in the Backyard Area without correction, but may not go potty in the Sunroom or other areas that mimic the home.
What items may I bring?
No personal items are permitted in daycare.
Will my dog be fed?
No, we do not feed dogs in daycare; we only feed dogs in Boarding. Please be sure to feed your dog before arriving for drop offs.
If my dog requires medical care, may he attend daycare?
We have implemented a new policy that addresses medical care issues and services we provide for our pack members.
Services we do offer:Administer daily medication for non-contagious health issues, supplements, ear drops and eye drops that are not used for treating infection. Services we do not offer:Post surgery careAdminister antibiotics or other medications for contagious illnesses
If your dog has visited a veterinarian for health issues that will require special care you must provide documentation from your vet describing the issue, instructions for vet care, and length of care. Modifications to our daily routine will not be made for dogs without documentation from your vet. Our facility is not conducive to recuperating from illness or surgery. It would be better suited that you have your dog board at their vet office so they can receive care from a medical professional. We are not vets nor do we have a vet on staff. We are not able to assess medical care needs.