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We offer two types of memberships: Daycare Only and Daycare and Boarding. Some dogs may be approved for daycare, but not approved for boarding. It will depend on how well your dog does during their boarding assessment. We require all dogs to have a daycare assessment and then a boarding assessment should the owner want to utilize our boarding services. If you do not need to board you are not required to have a boarding assessment. If your dog does not pass the daycare assessment, boarding is not available. All dogs that board attend daycare daily. 


All memberships will be placed on hold for dogs that have not attended daycare and/or boarding for more than 4 months. A new assessment will be required for daycare access and boarding reservations. 


Do not book boarding or arrive for daycare without scheduling an appointment for membership renewal. 

Due to a high volume of membership inquiries, please allow 1-4  business days for a response to your daycare assessment request. We are working as quickly as we can to get everyone in and evaluated. 



Daycare Assessment

All dogs are required to schedule an assessment day before becoming a Pack Member. The assessment day is  a full day of daycare and you are only charged a daycare fee if your dog is accepted. . There is no additional assessment fees.

You would drop your dog off during our morning hours of 6:30 AM to 8:00
 AM (Monday through Friday only) and pick up during our evening hours of 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM. You must schedule your assessment day as we only schedule one new family per day.


Breed Fulfillment

We have a set number of memberships available for each breed category. Some breeds may have a wait list. If your dog falls under a category with a wait list we will contact you to add you to the list. 


Minimum Weight Requirement

All dogs are required to weigh at least 25 lbs to become members. 



We require all dogs to be spayed or neutered.



All dogs must be vaccinated before scheduling an assessment day. We require Distemper/Parvo Combo and Rabies. We will accept either the one year or the three year for Distemper/Parvo Combo and Rabies. We will accept TITER test for Distemper/Parvo with active antibodies present.


Fecal Test

All dogs must have a current fecal test. Any fecal tests completed within 30 days prior to the assessment day will be accepted. A fecal test must be provided within 30 days after the assessment day. If a fecal test is not provided within 30 Days, membership will be placed on hold and services will not be available until a fecal test is submitted. Fecal tests are required yearly for all dogs. 

7213 Lockport Place Unit 4

Lorton, VA 22079

Phone: 703-585-1254

Fax: 703-842-6229



Find us on Instagram: @thebackyardpackva

Facebook: The Backyard Pack



© 2010 The Backyard Pack, LLC

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