At this time we do not have memberships available for the following breeds: American Bulldog, American Staffordshire, American Pit Bull, Belgian Malinois, German Shepherd, Staffordshire Pit Bull. Assessments will not be scheduled for dogs that fall in this breed category. We only fill a specific number of dogs per breed category and at this time we are full for these breeds. This allows our daycare to be a variety of different breeds with different play styles so that all dogs are able to play.
All dogs in Boarding attend dayare for 12 hours Monday through Friday and 6 hours on Saturday. Sunday is a rest day and dogs will not go to daycare, but will receive 4x walks for the day. If your dog has special needs or arrangments that requires them to not participate in daycare during Boarding then they will remain in the boarding area. Dogs in Boarding will be fed twice daily, morning and evening, and will be walked 4x a day. Medication is administered for non-contagious issues at no additional fee. You must complete a medication request at your Drop Off.
Daycare rates include full access to the play room area and one potty walk. We do not do a required nap time. Dogs may rest at their own leisure.
Monday - Friday Daycare (Drop Off 6:30 AM to 9:30 AM and Pick Up 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM)
$36 per dog per daycare day
Monday - Friday Overnight Boarding (Drop Off 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM and Pick Up 6:30 AM to 9:30 AM)
$36 per dog per night
Saturday and Sunday Boarding
If your dog is in boarding during the day the fee is $36; if your dog spends the night the fee is $36. It is a total of $72 per dog for a full 24 hour period with our regular rate. If you use a Pre-Paid Pass you would need one (1) unit for the day and one (1) unit for the overnight, which would be two (2) for a full 24 hour period.
We also offer discounts on our Pre-Paid Passes. We suggest using a Pre-Paid Pass when you plan to use daycare weekly, boarding, and/or have multiple dogs. Visit our Pre-Paid Passes page for additional information.